4 Ask and answer with your partner. 1 What hemisphere do you live in 2 Do you live doser to the Tropic of Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn 3 If you live in London and trao New York would you need to put you watch back of forward?
3. If I were traveling anywhere, then I would be guided by the local time, and accordingly would use the clock that is there. And I would use my watch only in my area.
Упражнения 1: 1. Snows 2. is snowing 3. cooks 4. is cooking 5. leaves 6. is leaving 7. watch 8. are sitting, are watching 9. does 10. is doing 11. rains 12. is raining 13. has 14. is having Упражнения 2: 1. goes (Often требует Present Simple) 2. are watching (At the moment требует Present Continuous) 3. writes (Every week требует Present Simple) 4. drives (Usually требует Present Simple) 5. is sitting (Now требует Present Continuous) 6. is ringing (Глагол listen, как бы наталкивает нас на Present Continuous, так как действие происходит в данный момент) 7. studies (Every year требует Present Simple) 8. spend (Always требует Present Simple) 9. go (Usually требует Present Simple) 10. is riding (Опять же глагол look как бы наталкивает нас на Present Continuous, так как действие происходит в данный момент) Упражнения 3: 1. aren't 2. don't 3. isn't 4. don't 5. doesn't 6. isn't 7. doesn't 8. don't 9. don't 10. doesn't Упражнения 5: 1. are not going 2. are you doing 3. is working 4. Does he get 5. wears 6. doesn't 7. are having 8. are you doing 9. is raining 10. do you like Упражнения 6: 1. is talking 2. works 3. speaks 4. enjoys 5. are writing 6. sleep 7. rains 8. is talking 9. are doing/do (Тут задания не корректно - возможны оба варианта, так как не дано ни какого условия) 10. cooks Упражнения 7 1. Where does... 2. I'm going... 3. How much do... 4. We don't wear... 5. He is standing... 6. Claire doesn't like... 7. She's sleeping/ 8. lives 9. He works...
1. I live in the eastern hemisphere.
2. No, definitely not.
3. If I were traveling anywhere, then I would be guided by the local time, and accordingly would use the clock that is there. And I would use my watch only in my area.