Nowadays opinion about a best friend divided. Some people say that only one person can be true friend. Others say that they can be two, three and more. I think that you should have one friend. One true friend is a person who always in your sid, you can trust him in everything, no matter what happens. He always ready to help and support you. The true best friend respects your decisions and sympathetic to you. To sum up, I want to say that there is nothing strange in having close relations with two people.
The room of the flat-комната квартиры Nick 's mother - мама Ника the cat's tail - хвост кошки the bottom of the page - низ страницы this town 's name - название города her husband's name - имя ее мужа today's article - сегодняшняя статья Pete and Mary 's children - дети Пита иМери tomorrow's meeting - завтрашняя встреча the government's policy - политика правительства the house of Jim 's parents - дом родителей Джима the new cinema of the city - новый кинотеатр города the results of the examination - итоги экзамена the population of the world - население мира this evening 's program - вечерняя программа
2not given
4not given
has gone, has stayed, have decided, has got, have taken, has broken