3) Hello, Ruth! I’m having a great time here. It’s really hot! 4) I think that it’s helpful that I’m learning here rather than at school back home. Other than that I’m enjoying myself very much. The area we are staying in is rather tempting as there’re so many posh shops and restaurants around. 2) I’m trying to resist buying too much. I can go out quite a lot, my lessons usually start at 10am so I don’t have to get up early, which is great when tasting the nightlife. 1) Spanish lessons are going well, and Andrea, my teacher seems really nice. I understand quite a lot now and I’m getting to the stage where I can say something. 5) You know me, I like partying. Anyway I need to go. Hope you’re well and not too cold back at home! Keep in touch!
hotter , longer, shorter, cleverer sillier greater, redder blacker whiter thinner thicker fatter nicer warmer colder merrier smaller taller higher weaker stronger heavier lighter greener drier cleaner dirtier wider deeper braver
hottest , longest, shortest, cleverest silliest greatest, reddest blackest whitest thinnest thickest fattest nicest warmest coldest merriest smallest tallest highest weakest strongest heaviest lightest greenest driest cleanest dirtiest widest deepest bravest