Keep in - держать взаперти
They were kept in after school.
Keep on – продолжать
My sister kept on asking me question after question.
Keep to – придерживаться
Always keep to the speed limit.
Keep up - сохранять, продолжать
His family kept up the pretence that he had been ill.
Keep up - не давать спать
It’s late. I’d better not keep you up any longer.
Keep up with - успевать за
He had to hurry to keep up with her.
Keep up with - следить за событиями
We try to keep up with what’s happening.
Keep away - не пускать
I’ve told him to keep away, but he won’t listen.
Keep back – скрывать
He said he was fine, but I knew he was keeping something back.
Keep down – мешать
Even if you’re intelligent, they still try to keep you down.
Keep from - не давать сделать
These worries kept her from sleeping properly.
Keep off - не пускать
Keep the flies off the food.
Keep out - не пускать внутрь
Cars should be kept out of the city centre.
Бонус. Список выражений с глаголом Keep
Collocations with Keep
Довольно прозрачные примеры, не так ли? Давайте проверим, хорошо ли вы все усвоили.
01 He had to learn hard to keep with the others.
awayup with
02 Keep your hands her!
03 She was kept __ for three months without anyone to talk to.
04 Don’t keep me , I’m gonna finish it anyway.
05 You’re good at it, keep !
06 Keep the dogs from the house!
07 He is so quiet today. Do you think he’s keeping something ?
08 While filling out the application form, please, keep the guidelines.
Очень легкий тест! Но не обольщайтесь – мы приготовили для вас кое-что поинтереснее. Это наше традиционное упражнение на разговорную речь. Надеемся, вы с ним справитесь так же легко, как и с нашим тестом!
Читайте также: Фразовые глаголы back up, break in, come up и keep out of
фразовы глагол back i break in