Please help to translate into English by translators not only textI live in Moscow . Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation. population of Moscow was 11,979,529 people. living in Moscow Russian , Ukrainians , Belarusians , Jews , Georgians , Armenians , Azerbaijanis , Tatars , Lezghins , Tajiks , Uzbeks , Kyrgyz, and many others nation. Bolshenstvo people speak in Russian . Some people in Moscow are learning English as well as French and German. In Moscow, there are many attractions such as monuments to the Tsar Bell Tsar Cannon , Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Monument to the Heroes of Plevna , Yury Dolgoruky Monument , Monument to Marshal Zhukov Monument at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Memorial Pushkinu.Sovremennye building : Zenith , " House Egg " Moscow- City. Museums: The State Tretyakov gallery, the State Museum of Fine iskusstvimeni Pushkin Museum-Panorama " Borodino . " Fauna of Moscow diverse. For example, in Elk Island National Park are found not only proteins , hedgehogs and rabbits, but also the larger wild animals such as wild boar and elk, axis deer . Are found and predators - fox , mink and ermine . In Moscow, there is a river called the Moscow River . In the winter cold in Moscow and hot in summer
To express yourself? (Для самовыражения?) I express myself through my actions, not through my appearance. - To develop your own lifestyle (Чтобы развить свой собственный образ жизни) I try to persuade my parents to let me choose my own way. - To show off? (Чтобы выделиться?) I usually try to show off by means of humour. - To show а rebellion? (Высказать протест?) I can sometimes slam а door or keep silent when 1 rebel against my parents’ rules. - To change the world to the best? (Изменить мир к лучшему?) I try not to do cruel things. speaking, saw
15. Stand
16. Will take
17.forget, expected
18. Come, start
19. Have looked, come
20. Had, really enjoyed