The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. The height of the giraffe can reach 6 meters. The giraffe's neck is as much as 1.5 meters! Like other mammals, it has 7 vertebrae, but they are very elongated. The giraffe has long legs, a narrow chest, a long neck, and a small head with horns. Its long neck allows it to feast on tender leaves from the trees. And the long front legs make it possible to run very fast, even faster than a lion, the only predator that can attack a giraffe. The giraffe has very sharp hooves, with their help it protects itself from enemies. Giraffes have adapted to life in the hottest and driest steppes of Central Africa. It takes a long time to find a sip of water there, and the sun dries and burns out the herbs. To drink water, the giraffe has to spread its front legs wide. A giraffe can go even longer without water than a camel. But he drinks 40 liters at a time.
We can’t image our life without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. And I’m sure that it’s great to feel a million miles away from your problems and daily routine.
Speaking about my first journey I should say that it was the longest journey I had ever undertaken — it lasted 31 hours. It was a trip from the Ukraine to Bulgaria five years ago. That was a remarkable journey during which I crossed the borders of three countries. My mother and I were travelling together to a seaside resort.
That was a coach journey and to our delight, the coach was fitted with certain comforts, such as: air condition (conditioning), self-reclining seats, TV entertainment and etc. On the way we had to pass passport and customs control several times which required at least an hour in each case.
In Bulgaria we stopped in a wonderful five-star hotel. Our room was tidy and very comfortable! From the balcony we had a magnificent view of the sea. Speaking about the food, it was delicious and variable (diverse). But most of all I loved our warm and clean pool. It was big, with sea water. The sea was also warm. I made sandcastles at the seaside and collected shells.
One more thing that I really liked was the picturesque mountains. Their view was breathtaking.
In fact it’s rather difficult to speak about my impressions, because they are too numerous. But I hope that in future I’ll visit the most famous and beautiful places.
Мы не можем представить себе нашу жизнь без путешествий. Тысячи людей путешествуют каждый день ради бизнеса или удовольствия. И мне кажется, это очень здорово чувствовать себя за тысячи миль от проблем и каждодневной рутины.
Говоря о своем первом путешествии, я должна сказать, что это было одно из самых длинных путешествий в моей жизни и длилось 31 час. Это была поездка из Украины в Болгарию пять лет назад. Это было незабываемое путешествие, в течение которого мы пересекли границы трех государств. Мы ехали вместе с моей мамой на морское побережье.
Автобус был пассажирский, и к нашему счастью был оборудован всем необходимым: кондиционером, регулируемыми сиденьями, телевизором и др. На пути следования мы проходили таможенный и паспортный контроль несколько раз, что занимало около часа в каждом случае.
В Болгарии мы остановились в чудесном пятизвездочном отеле. Наш номер оказался уютным и удобным. С нашего балкона открывался потрясающий вид на море. Говоря о еде в отеле, она была вкусная и разнообразная. Но больше всего мне нравился теплый и чистый бассейн. Он был большой, с морской водой. Море тоже было теплое. Я строила замки из песка и собирала ракушки.
1yesterday I'm going to cinema.2.yesterday I'm eating fast foods.3.yesterday I don't take a bath.4.yesterday I don't read a book with my little sisters.
2 слова "что я сделал вчера" и 2 слова "что я не сделал вчера"