1.Rex is a big dog.
Is Rex a big dog?
Is Rex a big dog?
Rex is a big dog, isn't it?
Who is a big dog?
What kind of dog is Rex?
2.The apple is red.
Is the apple red?
Is the apple red or yellow?
The apple is red, isn't it?
What is red?
What colour is the apple?
у мене були чудові канікули. я грав у спортивні ігри та гуляв на вулиці. погода була теплою тому я не сидів вдома. зустрічався з друзями, допомагав мамі по господарству. їздив відпочивати. цим літом я зробив багато справ, тому воно було найкраще за ці роки. було цікаво. любіть літо
I had wonderful holidays. I played sports games and walked outside. the weather was warm so I was not sitting at home. met with friends, helped my mother in the household. went to rest this summer I've done a lot of things, so it was the best this year. it was interesting. love the summer
2.is apple red? what color is an apple?