The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe. The British Isles are separated from the continent by the narrow strait of water which is called the English Channel.
The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England, the central part, occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. To the north lies Scotland and to the west the third part of the country, Wales, is situated. The fourth part is called Northern Ireland and is located on the second island. Each part has its capital. The capital of England is London, Wales has Cardiff, Scotland has Edinburgh and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Great Britain is a country of forests and plains. There are no high mountains in this country. Scotland is the most mountainous region with the highest peak, Ben Nevis. The rivers of Great Britain are not long. The longest rivers are the Thames and the Severn. The capital of the United Kingdom, London, stands on the banks of the Thames. As the country is surrounded by many seas there are some great ports at the seaside: London, Glasgow, Plymouth and others.
The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe. It borders on Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Russia and Poland. Its territory is much larger than such countries as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece and a number of others. Its present population is about 12 million people. Belarus is a land of vast plains and picturesque hills, thick forests and green meadows, deep blue lakes and flowing rivers. Forests cover 2/5 of Belarus, they are scattered all over the country. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in our country. The Dnieper, Pripyat, Beresins, Sozh, Zapadnaya Dvina, Neman are the biggest rivers with more then 500 kilometers in length. The largest lake in Belarus is Lake Naroch which stretches 13 kilometers from West to East. It is a very popular recreation area in our country. Belarus has a moderately continental climate due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean with a warm winter and warm summer.
Мальчик Алёша, примерно девяти-десяти лет, обучался в пансионе в Санкт-Петербурге в 1790-х годах. Его родители жили далеко, и в каникулы он оставался в пансионе. В свободное время он часто кормил куриц, содержащихся при кухне, и особенно выделял чёрную хохлатую Чернуху. Однажды кухарка Тринушка решила зарезать её для обеда, но Алеша упросил её не делать этого, подарив ей золотой империал, его единственную драгоценность. Ночью мальчик услышал, как его зовёт Чернуха, и удивился, что курица умеет говорить. Та позвала его за собой и в итоге привела Алёшу в подземное царство, где жили маленькие человечки ростом с пол-аршина[3]. Его встретил король и вынес благодарность за своего главного министра. Оказалось, что курица Чернуха на самом деле — министрподземного царства. Алёша попросил за услугу всегда знать урок, ничего не изучая, и король подарил ему конопляное зернышко, хотя и был недоволен леностью мальчика. Условием король поставил никому не говорить о виденном под землей, и министр потом объяснил Алёше, что по обычаям подземных жителей те должны покинуть земли, где живут, если человек, узнавший о них, будет этим хвастать.
Подарок короля оказался действенным, и Алёша стал показывать феноменальные Сначала ему было неловко, но потом он привык и загордился. Но однажды он потерял семечко, а с ним отвечать. Его строго наказали, считая не капризом, но Чернушка вернулась и возвратила ему потерянное зернышко, хотя и была опечалена его поведением. Алёша воспользовался волшебством и моментально выучил несколько страниц, но учитель заподозрил неладное и начал разбираться, как это у него получилось. Алёша от страха перед розгами забыл запрет короля и начал рассказывать о подземных жителях, но учитель счёл это выдумками и всё-таки высек мальчика.
1) I want to tell you about 2) to be a student... 3) on weekdays 4) on working days 5) to wake up 6) to get up at 7a.m. 7) to take a shower 8) to brush teeth 9) to dress (to get dressed) 10) it takes me an hour to get to... 11) to go by trolleybus (tram/bus) 12) to be late for class(es) 13) to finish late at night 14) to miss classes 15) to pass exams successfully 16) from time to time 17) to get ready for classes 18) as a rule 19) to be tired of ( to get tired) 20) free time
1. He’s got much information about our travel. 2. He’s going to buy some new trousers. 3. They are not going to buy new furniture. 4. His hair is fair. 5. I’m going to buy new sunglasses. 6. They gave us some advice.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe. The British Isles are separated from the continent by the narrow strait of water which is called the English Channel.
The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England, the central part, occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. To the north lies Scotland and to the west the third part of the country, Wales, is situated. The fourth part is called Northern Ireland and is located on the second island. Each part has its capital. The capital of England is London, Wales has Cardiff, Scotland has Edinburgh and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Great Britain is a country of forests and plains. There are no high mountains in this country. Scotland is the most mountainous region with the highest peak, Ben Nevis. The rivers of Great Britain are not long. The longest rivers are the Thames and the Severn. The capital of the United Kingdom, London, stands on the banks of the Thames. As the country is surrounded by many seas there are some great ports at the seaside: London, Glasgow, Plymouth and others.
The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe. It borders on Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Russia and Poland. Its territory is much larger than such countries as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece and a number of others. Its present population is about 12 million people. Belarus is a land of vast plains and picturesque hills, thick forests and green meadows, deep blue lakes and flowing rivers. Forests cover 2/5 of Belarus, they are scattered all over the country. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in our country. The Dnieper, Pripyat, Beresins, Sozh, Zapadnaya Dvina, Neman are the biggest rivers with more then 500 kilometers in length. The largest lake in Belarus is Lake Naroch which stretches 13 kilometers from West to East. It is a very popular recreation area in our country. Belarus has a moderately continental climate due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean with a warm winter and warm summer.