1. i am interested in few things, and i like not a lot of school subjects. for example, i am interested in history because this subject is openning time horisones around me. just imagine you can take a part in the tegeran conference, 1945, or see the boston tea party, 1773. know i'm saying? of course you can, just go to a library and take a book there.
2. i like a lot of britain and american authors, but my favorit is joan kate rowling, the author of 'harry potter'. everyone know she wrote seven books for children. children and adults who red these books know she didn't. did you read 'harry potter'? did you see these games with your brain madame ro took? did you think about proffessor dumbledore's part in these games? if you answered 'yes' my first question only, you red books about the boy who lived never.
3. i do nothing. you may disagree, but i think it is not important. i like my body, but if it will be a little fatly or it won't, i won't be sad.
4. the queen of great britain, the leader of united kingdom, leader-in-law of new zeland, canada and some other statements - who is this very important person? of course you all know this name. queen elithabeth ii. she began her reign in 1952 and she is reigning nowadays.
to 2015 it was anther woman, as well as elithabeth victoria was britain.
5. я не знаю о_о
6. i am. i have pc at home. i often work at computer when i prepare my homework or for have fun. i like to read books at computer just because it is so casual.
7. i can't. in general, i think to have a pet is too difficult for me. i must study and have any private life, and i may not cooperate it both. for last, animals die, and i don't want to cry about it - and yes, i prefer to run against a trouble.
a) Which way shall we go? Left or right? -Куда нам идти направо или налево?
b) You can have tea or coffee. _What__ do you prefer?-Ты можешь выпить чай или кофе.Что ты предпочитаешь?
c) “_What__ date is it today?” – “Friday”.Какой сегодня день?-Пятница
d) This is a nice house. __What__ room is yours? - Красивый дом-Какая комната твоя?
e) _what__ is your favorite sport?-Какой твой любимый вид спорта?
f) __What_ is more expensive, meat or fish?-Что дороже мясо или рыба?
g) _Who__ is older, Ann or George?-Кто старше Аня или Джордж?
h) __What_ kind of camera have you got?-Какой у тебя фотоаппарат?
i) What___ nationality are you? Какой ты национальности?
j) A: Mary has got three cameras. B: _Which__ camera does she use most? -У Мэри 3 фотоаппарата.Каким она чаще пользуется?