Составить 2 вопроса к каждому 1)i played different games 2)kate and mary went to the cinema yesterday 3)the weather was bad last week 4)ted met his best friend in 2004 5)i saw him yesterday
School uniform is different: blue, black, green, gray. For a long time, the form for the boys in the UK were: a jacket, blazer, gray flannel shirt (which was replaced by a white summer or on holidays), dark gray pants or shorts, gray socks, dark blue coat, black boots, and in the cold - with V-neck pullover. Also added to the suit cap with the logo of the school and corporate tie. In Russia mostly students wear black or gray uniform. Boys wear white shirts and pants can be worn a tie. The girls in white blouses. Can wear a sundress, skirt, jacket.
Школьная форма бывает разной: синяя, черная, зеленая, серая. Долгое время форму для мальчиков в Великобритании составляли: пиджак-блейзер, серая фланелевая рубашка (которая сменялась на белую летом или по праздникам), темно-серые брюки или шорты, серые гольфы, темно-синий плащ, черные ботинки, а в холода – пуловер с треугольным вырезом. Также к костюму добавлялись кепка с логотипом школы и фирменный галстук. В России в основном ученики носят черную или серую форму. Мальчики носят белые рубашки и брюки, могут носить галстук. Девочки в белых блузках. Могут одеть сарафан, юбку, пиджак.
School is an important part of people’s life. It helps us change a lot of aspects including our outlooks, our choices. When you are studying there sometimes you are angry with some people, annoyed with teachers about marks, anxious about tests, bored with some subjects, jealous of other people’s achievements, upset about different events. Nevertheless, when you are older, you understand how easy, likable, cheerful and joyful was a school life. I am going to tell you about it. First of all, it is very important to have good classmates, because you are close to each other. I can say with confidence that we were really friendly to each other. All my classmates were very interesting, determined, generous and clever people. My best friend Victoria possessed a great strength of understanding and coolness of judgment. She was often able to influence us, because sometimes our enthusiastic natures led to hasty decisions. I am really proud of Oleg. He was brilliant at tennis, and now he is the champion of Ukraine. We had tendency to go to orphanages. Our teacher of English valued and cherished it. She helped us to organized the great performances for those children. Secondly, we liked to study. It was as easy as ABC for us. Teachers taught us that it a good idea to start with a mind-map when preparing some task. Moreover, they taught us always to write a first draft before writing up the final version. I am very grateful to my school teachers for this knowledge, because I use it very often now and I can solve the problem very quickly. Moreover, they did not have the teacher’s pets, so we have equal rights. Our headmaster was straightforward and as wise as an owl. We passed our finals with flying colors because of her patience and professionalism. Finally, my school has a long history and different interesting traditions. Our headmaster quoted famous teacher Makarenko who said “School without traditions will never have future.” She urged us not to forget about it. We really tried to maintain all the traditions.To sum up everything mentioned above, I would like to say that school time was one of the better parts in my life. That period of time taught me that I should struggle for my dreams and always stay a good person in any circumstances of life.
1)I played different games
Who played different games?
I played different games , didn't I?
2)Kate and Mary went to the cinema yesterday
Did Kate and Mary go to the cinema yesterday?
Kate and Mary went to the cinema yesterday, didn't they?
3)The weather was bad last week
Was the weather bad last week?
When was the weather bad?
4)Ted met his best friend in 2004
Did Ted meet his best friend in 2004?
When did Ted meet his best friend?
5) I saw him yesterday
Who saw him yesterday?
I saw him yesterday, didn't I?