в США Вы должны быть очень осторожными относительно слов, которые Вы используете, чтобы говорить о меньшинствах. Вы будете обвиняться в дискриминации, если Вы покажете непочтительность к различным группам. отпущение этнических шуток очень вредно людям и показывает политически неправильное поведение. Вы будете обвиняться в расизме, если Вы используете неподходящий термин для людей, у которых черная кожа. мы больше не используем слово негр как в былые времена. термин негр не относится к стране происхождения человека, таким образом, это не политкорректно. большая часть темнокожего населения в нас теперь предпочитает термин 'афроамериканец'
Исправить ошибки, как я поняла?
I chose this topic because friendship is a good feeling and now it’s important to have good friends. Friends can support you in difficult situations and they won’t betray you. Friends can be different, for example: animals, people, books etc, but there are different assumptions about the concept of friendship. First – If people can’t talk on different theme this means that they can’t be friends. Second – Friends – it is one soul that lives in two bodies.
If people can’t talk on different themes it doesn’t mean that they can’t be friend because: 1. Friendship stays on action. We can say anything but we can’t help everybody. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. Friends can be different? With some of them we can keep silent, but still understand each other.
Friends – it is one soul that lives in two bodies. I think that it is true because two persons help each other in difficult times. If people don’t support each other, we all will have stress. Friends can easily understand one another because they have the same way of thinking. These persons have the equal interests. For example: they like to play tennis every Saturday. Friend do what they like. Friendship – on the whole stay in understanding because when people don’t understand each other they argue and can’t agree with another person. True friends trust and respect each other. They can tell each other secrets and will understand and save this secret. If we don’t respect our friends, we will be alone, without the support or help. Loneliness is a very bad feeling, because of it we can even go mad. That is why we need to communicate with people. And to have a friend that can help, support, and listen to you is really good.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Igor. I’m sixteen years old. I’m at 10-th grade. I’m tall, slender, dark-haired boy with blue eyes.
I live in Kiev. I have a brother and a sister. My elder brother Sergey is twenty, he studies at the Kiev National University, and he will be a lawyer. My younger sister Olga is ten, she studies at school. By the way, we have one more member of our family, cat Ryzhik. We love him very much.
My Mum is forty-two, she is a Spanish teacher. My Dad is forty-five, he is a computer programmer.
My grandparents are already retired. My Grandma likes gardening, and Grandpa likes fishing. They live in our city and visit us at weekends.
I have many friends. We spend a lot of time together. We play football, volleyball, basketball. In summer we like swimming in river and lakes.
Besides school, I go in for sports. I play tennis. It’s exciting game, and I like it very much. Sometimes I take part in different tennis competition.
Soon I will graduate a school and I have to choose a profession. However, I have many interests and hobbies, for example, sports, travelling, music, so it’s not so easy to choose an occupation. My parents want me to be a computer programmer, like my Dad.
But I’m not sure because I’m not very good in mathematics. I like computer games, I like to surf the Net, to communicate with people in different social nets and forums. I even have my own blog. But I don’t want a computer programming to be my profession. Also I like tennis, but I don’t want to be a professional sportsman. You can ask me, why? Because I have another passion!
I’m fond of travelling so I’d like to work for a tour company. I dream to visit all countries throughout the world and to see all sightseeings and great places. I hope my dreams will come true!
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