Hello Natasha. I wanted to reply immediately to your letter, but recently I had a lot of work. Not enough time to carry out their plans. We have already come spring. The street is warm and sunny all day. Today, April 12, in Russia celebrate the International Day of Cosmonautics. This day is called the day of space, because it is 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin made the world's first space flight. My friends and I decided that day to visit the Museum of Cosmonautics in Kaluga. There's so much fun, we learned a lot and were very pleased. And the weather is London? How do you celebrate the day of space? And with whom?
Відповідь:My best friend Olena. She is a very beautiful and smart girl. We spend a lot of time together. Elena often comes to my house, sometimes even spends the night with me. Elena is very much liked by my parents, and I am liked by Elena's parents. Elena and I have our own traditions. One of them: every Friday I come to Elena we watch movies or cartoons. Often while watching movies we drink cocoa. I am very happy that I have such a girlfriend. I hope we will communicate all our lives.
Пояснення:Поменяй имя на имя своей подруги)
на русском:Мой друг – очень хороший человек. Я знаю, что на него можно положиться. Он всегда мне поддержит в трудную минуту. Я, конечно, отвечаю ему тем же. Мой друг никогда не предаст меня, не будет строить козни за моей спиной. И это самое главное.
Друзья не появляются случайно. Чтобы подружиться, обязательно нужно быть в чем-то похожими, а в чем-то отличаться. Похожими нужно быть в том, что у друзей должны быть общие взгляды на жизнь, одинаковое понимание чести и порядочности, справедливости и ответственности. Похожие интересы желательны, но не обязательны, ведь это очень интересно, когда люди могут научить друг друга чему-то новому.
Вот я, например, занимаюсь плаванием. И мой друг тоже занимается. Мы ходим в бассейн вместе, и в свободное от тренировки время веселимся там, плавая и ныряя. Так здорово бывает вместе прыгать в воду «бомбочкой»! При этом получается большой всплеск и брызги летят во все стороны! Можно плавать наперегонки, а еще интереснее делать это под водой.
Но другие наш интересы не совпадают. Я хорошо играю в шахматы, а мой друг – на гитаре. И мы потихоньку учим этому друг друга.
Мы с другом любим гулять на поле около наших домов. В выходные иногда уходим на целых полдня. Берем с собой бутерброды, спички, воду. Дрова находим по дороге – они в избытке валяются вокруг. Иногда деревяшек хватает даже на то, чтобы построить шалаш.
Нам никогда не бывает скучно вместе. А иногда мы можем защитить друг друга.
Как-то раз на меня напала собака. Она охраняла гараж с грузовиками, а в этот день ее почему-то спустили с привязи. Собака кинулась на меня и стала кусать. Я упал на землю, закрывая лицо и руки. Мой друг не растерялся, он нашел палку и отогнал собаку, а потом позвал взрослых из гаража, чтобы они ее снова заперли.
Я счастлив, что у меня есть такой надежный друг.
на АнглийскомMy friend is a very good person. I know you can rely on him. He will always help me, support me in difficult times. I, of course, respond in kind. My friend will never betray me, will not plot behind my back. And this is the most important thing.
Friends don't just show up by accident. To make friends, you need to be in some ways similar, and in some ways different. You need to be similar in that friends should have common views on life, the same understanding of honor and decency, justice and responsibility. Similar interests are desirable, but not mandatory, because it is very interesting when people can teach each other something new.
Here I am, for example, engaged in swimming. And my friend does too. We go to the pool together, and in our free time we have fun there, swimming and diving. It's so cool to jump into the water together with a "bomb"! This makes a big splash and splashes fly in all directions! You can swim a race, and even more interesting to do it under water.
But our other interests don't match. I'm good at chess, and my friend plays the guitar. And we are slowly teaching this to each other.
My friend and I like to walk in the field near our homes. On weekends, sometimes we leave for half a day. We take sandwiches, matches, and water with us. Firewood is found on the road – they are in abundance lying around. Sometimes there are enough pieces of wood even to build a hut.
We are never bored together. And sometimes we can protect each other.
I was attacked by a dog once. She was guarding a garage with trucks, and on this day, for some reason, she was released from a leash. The dog lunged at me and started biting me. I fell to the ground, covering my face and hands. My friend was not at a loss, he found a stick and drove the dog away, and then called the adults from the garage to lock it up again.
I'm happy to have such a reliable friend.
Hi, Natasha. I wanted to reply immediately to your letter, but recently I had a lot of work. Not enough time to carry out their plans. We have already come spring. The street is warm and sunny all day. Today, April 12, in Russia celebrate the International Day of Cosmonautics. This day is called the day of space, because it is 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin made the world's first space flight. My friends and I decided that day to visit the Museum of Cosmonautics in Kaluga. There's so much fun, we learned a lot and were very pleased. And the weather is London? How do you celebrate the day of space? And with whom?