. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определите в них видовременные формы глагола и залог. A)
1. On Sundays they have dinner at home.
2. You will be in Rome tonight.
3. I am not going to work this week. I am on holiday.
4. The young man graduated from the university.
5. He has never visited Hong Kong.
B) 1. This dining room is used on special occasions. 2. Much fish will be sold in our shop tomorrow. 3. The children were taken to the milk bar yesterday.
B. 1. "Please take me with you. I'd like to see this film too," the son said to his father. 2. Don't attend the lectures today if you feel bad. 3. He got up earlier than usual, washed, dressed, had breakfast and left home at seven. 4. Stop behaving like a child, you're already nearly eighteen (years old).