Прочтите слова:
pin-пин, pick-пик, pun-пан, cone-коун, cool-куул, chop-чоп, shop-шоп, ship-шип, sheep-шиип, tune-тюн, sun-сан,
jade-джейд, yet-йет, vex-векс, wick-вик
Переведите письменно на английский язык:
Я вижу ребенка. Он открывает хорошую книгу.-I see a child. He opens a good book
Я беру коробку. Он берет черный карандаш.-I take the box. He picks up a black pencil.
Я беру мою тетрадь. Они видят детей.-I take my notebook. They see children.
Назовите и напишите английские слова, означающие:
ящик, книга, все, ребенок, друг, черный, хороший, хорошо, тетрадь, открывать, изучать, женщина, карандаш,видеть, положить, портфель, дать-drawer, book, everything, child, friend, black, good, good, notebook, open, study, woman, pencil,see, put, briefcase, give.
Ну, это выглядит как ЕГЭшное эссе...
Genetically modified foods are everywhere around us nowadays. There is a lot of controversial opinions regarding this topic. Some people think that foods like that negatively affect people's health, but others believe it only has positive consequences.
First of all, genetically modifying foods has allowed us to give plant species different attributes, increasing their saturation, weather-resistence and so on. Apart from that, we can even implant species special genes, which would make them harmful for insects, meaning less chemical components would have to be used, polluting the ground, water and air much less.
On the controversary, there is wide-spread belief that genetically modified foods are the most common reason for different cancers and diseases. Basically, people believe that this kind of foods is devastating for your health.
I personally don't have a clearly decided opinion on this topic, I'm not an expert or anything in this sphere. But from my possibly unobjective point of view, I don't mind genetically-modified foods being around us, as long as it helps bringing better-quality foods to us and makes food production more efficient.
To sum up, despite all incredbily controversial opinions about this topic, I think that genetically-modified foods are the foods of the future, they'll allow us to finally deal with the world-wide hunger problem and overall are only helpful for the humanity.