1. До поданих визначень добери відповідні слова. To affect, affectionate, aggressive, ambitious, bossy, charming,
competitive, energetic, envious imaginative, jealous, manipulative, moody, responsible, selfish, sociable, spoilt, sensitive, generous, honest, talkative, fit, reliable, patient, shy, fair, hard-working, well-educated, to
click, menu, cursor, icon, word processor.
..people always want to win:
..people want to be successful in life;
.children behave badly because they are given everything they want;
people think about themselves and not about other people;
people think that someone loves another person more than them, or want what other people have;
is a list of computer operations;
...is a small picture or symbol.
2чел-All perfectly. How did you spend your weekend?
1-Good. I walked in the park, went to the zoo, ate pizza with my parents and went with a girl to the cinema
2-And where did you eat pizza?
1-In the pizzeria "old uncle John." They cook very quickly and delicious.How did you spend your weekend?
2-I went with my sister to my aunt in San Francisco and received from her 64 dollars.Also, Aunt Judy and I went to an Italian restaurant on the corner of her house where we ate pasta. It was crazily cool!
1-It's good