Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh (Scotland).One day he came to the idea of creating a device by means of which "would be possible to transmit different sounds, if I can cause fluctuations of the current corresponding to the fluctuations in the density of the air, which produces this sound." In parallel, Bell worked on the problem of simultaneous transmission of several telegraph messages on one wire, and pure chance to experiment with them to set up a "musical telegraph" helped him discover a phenomenon that led to the invention of the telephone.February 14, 1876 Bell and simultaneously with the inventor, I.Grey filed a patent application on the invention of the telephone. The patent was issued to Bell March 7, 1876, but only in 1893, after many trials the US Supreme Court allowed the priority dispute in his favor.Among other inventions Bell - improvement of Edison's phonograph, the use of flexible aileron with rigid bearing surface for the flight control of the aircraft. Bell has published more than 100 articles and received 30 patents.He was awarded the A. Volta, established by Napoleon, and in 1877 was awarded the Legion of Honor. Bell died near Baddeck August 2, 1922.
Дорогой максим, за твое последнее письмо. так замечательно получить известие от тебя! я рад, что у тебя были хорошие каникулы. что касается меня, то я тоже провел замечательные каникулы. сначала я жил с родителями в саду. стояла жаркая погода и я с друзьями много купался. мы играли в футбол и катались на велосипедах. а в августе мы с родителями поехали отдыхать на кипр. это большой остров в средиземном море с замечательным климатом. мы купались в море и лежали в тени огромных эвкалиптов. мы путешествовали по горным тропам и играли в большой теннис. во всяком случае, это было запоминающееся лето. как ты начал учебу? есть ли новенькие в классе? а новые учебные предметы? извини, мне пора идти в спортивную секцию. всего наилучшего! иван dear maxim. thank you for your recent letter. so wonderful to hear from you! i am very glad that you had a good vacation. as for me, i also spent a wonderful vacation. first, i lived with my parents in the garden. the weather was hot and i do a lot swam with my friends. we played soccer and rode bicycles. and in august, we went to rest with my parents in cyprus. it is a large island in the mediterranean with a wonderful climate. we swam in the sea and were lying in the shade of huge eucalyptus trees. we traveled along the mountain paths and playing tennis. anyway, it was a memorable summer. how did you start out? is there a newcomers in your class? a new subjects? i'm sorry, i have to go to the sports section. all the best! ivan
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