She is cooking Sunday dinner.
They are eating bananas.
He is making a vegetable salad.
Are you can making a fruit salad?
Ann is helping her Mum in the kitchen.
Am I can helping you?
Life in the village is wonderful! Fresh air, evening walks are all very useful. But there are also disadvantages of life in the village. For example: it’s not always possible to concentrate, because the sounds of nature can interfere on the street, hard work can mess around in beds!
How good it is to live in a megalopolis! Always people! A lot of acquaintances, conversations! There are good schools in the cities, many playgrounds, many circles and sections! And many worlds. Unfortunately, the city is not the freshest air and it is not always possible to sit in silence and enjoy beautiful views of the sunset over the field. But life in the city is different!
Чертой разделены абзацы. Первый про деревню, второй про город. Советую писать не текстом, а таблицей. Удачи )
there is a big plus of living in the village-fresh air and beautiful nature.there are people who are tired of noisy cities, overcrowded streets and roads. such people want to live in a quiet place, where there is a high lever of privacy,a place,where they can heal the soul and be in harmony with
nature.ln such a case ,a countryside will suit the best.
существует большой плюс жизни в деревне -свежий воздух и красивая природа.есть люди, которые устали от шумных городов, переполненных улиц и дорогу. такие люди хотят жить в тихом месте, где они будуть иметь высокий уровень приватоности,
место где они могут исцелить душу и найти гармонию с природой. в током случае, сельская местность подойдет идеально.
They are eating bananas. He is making vegetable salad. Can you make a fruit salad? Ann is helping her Mum in the kitchen. Can I help you?