Hey everybody.
I have an problem, it just happened now. I have lost my phone, but I don't know where I have lost it. I guess I must forgot my phone at the school or in the car. I already have told my parents and friends about this accident. This phone was veri important for me because I had a lot of pictures there. There were pictures of my relatives, of my best friends and my boyfriend. Those pictures were very important for me so I must not lose it, oh my God, I am so unlucky. Also I had a lot of important documents on my Word program. It was a project for the lesson. I did that project for long time but now I just lost, oh, it is my sadness for now.
I am thinking of making an advertising about my phone I hope anyone will be kind person, he will find my phone and give me it back.
I guess you are interested in the model of my phone. It was an iPhone 6 Plus. Yeah! It was so expensive to buy it. But now I have just lost it. I'm so sad I want to cry.
I really hope that soon my phone will be found. Now I have to go outside and try to find it anyway! Maybe it will be success for me and I'll find it.
See you soon.
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The relationship of nature and society - the dialectical unity of man and the environment. Man as an integral part of the Earth’s biomass throughout the evolution was and is directly dependent on the surrounding nature. With the development of higher nervous activity, man himself becomes a powerful environmental factor (anthropogenic factor), therefore its influence on nature is dual-positive and negative.
Nature protection is a set of international, state and regional activities aimed at maintaining the nature of the Earth in a state corresponding to the evolutionary level of the modern biosphere and its living matter, including man.
Protection of the environment from pollution - a system of measures aimed at eliminating the negative impact of man, which is expressed in industrial emissions of poisonous gases, the discharge of polluted water, clogging of soil and water by pesticides, combustible materials, radioactive substances, in the creation of intense noise, etc.