HELP M PLEASE Read the task of the topic and write
You are a charitable volunteer in your city and always give a hand to those who are in need: clean the apartment softhedisabled people; bring food to animal refugest ofeed homeless animals; organize campaigns to raise money and collect toys and clothes for the local orphanages. Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local may or to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your charity organisation. Include in your letter the following information:
•The title of your charity organisation;
•What you have done/are doing already;
•How you would like them a yorto help your charity organisation.
2. Double-entry is the most accurate (превосходная) method of book-keeping
3. Before the last (предельная) war less than half (сравнительная) the beef consumed in the UK was produced at home
1. В простейшем отчёте расходы делятся на "переменные" и "постоянные".
2. Двойная запись является наиболее точным методом бухгалтерского учета.
3. Перед последней войны менее половины говядины, потребляемой в Великобритании, производилось внутри страны.