2 complete the table with the words in the box. Then check your answers in exercise 1. don't do doesn't does 6 Questions 1/you/ we/ they he/she/it understand? Short answers Yes 2. 3 1/you/ we/ they he/she/it 1/you/ we/ they he/she/ it No. S
Cleanliness in the corridors of the school. About the smokers on the steps of the school here cannot be and speeches. Flowers provide environmental comfort. Notable works of floors, Walls(normal selection of shades). Each class must have a TV, so that students recalled more information. The school should provide textbooks, which are popular with students. I think schooling should be mandatory. At school the mood of co-creation and mutual respect. The teacher should pay a lot of time explaining new material to the learner, it was easier to cope with home task. Students and teachers should ovdii each other.
Writing application forms — Написание анкеты
1. Type the form or write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS. – Печатайте или пишите ответы заглавными буквами.
2. Don’t translate foreign addresses. – Не переводите иностранные адреса.
3. Answer all the questions. — ответьте на все во Если вам не нужно писать ответ, напишите N / A (не применимо).
5. Be careful with your spelling. — Будьте внимательны с правописанием.
6. Always sign and date the form. – Всегда подписывайте и ставьте дату.
7. Give truthful information. — Дайте достоверную информацию.