1. She said that her friend didn't like that film.
2. David said that he would help you te next day if he had time.
3. Jane said that she had already translated two articles.
4. They told us that they were going to stay in that hotel.
5. Julia said that she would have finished her work by seven o'clock that night.
6. He said that he wanted to know where you had spent previous night.
7. My cousin said that he would be working the whole day the following Friday.
1. He wanted to know what the time was.
2. She asked me when we would meet again.
3. She asked me if he was crazy.
4. He wanted to know where they had lived.
5. He asked her whether she would be at the party.
6. She asked me if I could meet her at the station.
7. The teacher wanted to know who knew the answer.
8. She wanted to know why he didn't help her.
9. He asked me if I had seen that car.
10. The mother asked the twins whether they had tidied up their room.
название национальности является существительным в единственном числе и используется для описательной характеристики одного из представителей нации. То есть мы не говорим о конкретном немце или французе, а просто имеем ввиду, что по национальной принадлежности этот человек немец или француз
an American – американец
a Canadian - канадец
an Italian – итальянец
a Russian - россиянин
a Spaniard — испанец
a Dane — датчанин
a Finn - финн
a Turk — турок
a Swiss - швейцарец
a Japanese – японец
a Belgian - бельгиец
a German - немец
a Mexican — мексиканец
a Greek — грек
an Arab — араб
a Swede — швед
a Pole - поляк
an Israeli — израильтянин
a Chinese — китаец
a Portuguese — португалец
Kevin is a German. – Кевин – немец.
During the voyage I met a nice Belgian. – Во время плавания я встретила милого бельгийца.
Being an American, Den was constantly smiling. – Будучи американцем, Ден постоянно улыбался.