1) past simple
He read this book 2 years ago.
How did you spend your holidays?
The students took part in the play, didn't they?
I was in the theater yesterday and I didn't see my sister there.
Did you tell you friends about the project?
2) past continous
We were playing football at 16.00.
While John was working in the garden, Mary was tidying up the house.
Were you working all day long yesterday?
You were not working all day long yesterday, were you?
Why were you working all day long yesterday?
1. ...lived...
2. ...passed...
3. ...stadied...
4. ...answered...
5. ...liked...
1. When did she play the piano?
2. Where did you learn German?
3. How long did he study?
1. No. I didn`t.
2. No. He didn`t
3. No. They didn`t
4. No. She didn`t
5. No. I didn`t.
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