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1) She studies psychology at the University of Moscow.
2) The course lasts 5 years.
3) What is he studying now?
4) Where is Peter? He is studying French at the moment.
5) Does he often skip classes?
6) Undergraduates usually cram for their exams at the end of each term.
7) How many students do usually pay for their studies in Russia?
8) The bus sometimes arrives in the morning.
9) James is a student. But he works this week.
10) Our exam starts in 5 minutes.
11) Ann is out. She works in the library.
12) Some students resit their exams another day.
13) What are you doing at the moment? I am writing an essay.
14) How many British students do usually get an online university degree?
Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense, Future Continuous or Future Perfect.
5. If you phone Julie now, she will be studying, as she always does in the evenings.
6. Will you have finished the timetable by the end ot the day?
7. After he has been to Switzerland, he will have visited every country in Europe.
8. I will be watching a video this evening, so why dont you come round?
9. It will have taken us three weeks to finish this project by the time it's completed.
10. I will be waiting for you in the café, so there's no need for you to hurry.
Время Future Continuous указывает на процесс, который будет длиться в определенный момент в будущем, этот момент в будущем должен быть назван прямо (tomorrow at 4 o’clock, when we meet) или быть очевидным из контекста.
Для того, чтобы поставить глагол в форму Future Continuous, нужен вс глагол to be в будущем времени и причастие настоящего времени (Participle I) смыслового глагола. To be в будущем времени имеет форму will be.
Время Future Perfect обозначает действие, которое закончится до определенного момента или начала другого действия в будущем или будет продолжать длиться после него.
Время Future Perfect образуется при вс глагола to have в будущем времени и причастия времени значимого глагола, то есть его «третьей формы». To have в будущем времени имеет форму will have.
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