Holmes asked what Openshaw did next. Openshaw answered that he did nothing and then put his head in his hands. He whispered that he was afraid and did not know what to do. Holmes was shocked and cried that Openshaw had to do something fast because his life was in danger. Then Openshaw unhappily said that he had talked to the police but they had laughed at him. He added that they thought that there was nothing to worry about. Holmes exclaimed that they were so stupid and asked why Openshaw had not come to him immediately. He also noticed that his enemies had had almost two days to make a plan. Then Holmes asked what Openshaw had found and how it would help them. John said that he had found a small, half-burnt piece of paper in the locked room. He also mentioned that it was his uncle's papers.
Seahorse is a genus of small marine bony fishes of a family of sea needles of a needle-shaped group. The number of species is about 50 [1].
The unusual shape of the skate's body resembles a chess piece of a horse. Numerous long spines and ribbon-like skinlike outgrowths, located on the body of the ridge, make it invisible among algae and inaccessible to predators. The sizes of sea horses are from 2 to 30 cm [2], depending on the species to which the particular individual belongs. An interesting feature of sea horses is that they have a male offspring. сойдет?
1 Rome wasn't built in one day.
2 Our country house was repaired by my father three years ago.
3 Bob is often laughed at.
4 The windows were shut in the dining room yesterday evening
5 Our car will be sold next week.
6 These letters have been mailed today.
7 This TV set is made in Japan.
1 Is this house built of stone?
2 When was this book bought?
3 When will be our time-table changed by the secretary?
4 Why were these buildings rebuilt last year?
5 Why Paul hasn't been asked by the teacher at this lesson?
6 Were the sweets eaten yesterday?
7 When was the doctor sent for?