австралия держит мировой рекорд по вымираниям млекопитающих. мы потеряли 20 видов в последние 200 лет, почти половины общемирового показателя в то время. но грядущая экологическая трагедия в тасмании может означать этот мрачный рекорд собирается получить хуже.
млекопитающее вымираний на материке были вызваны в первую очередь, лисицы и дикой кошки. лисицы никогда не утвердились в тасмании, и хотя тасмания диких кошек, они, кажется, имеют мало влияния. помимо исчезновения тыласина (далее «тасманский тигр»), тасмания сохранила здоровую фауну млекопитающих.
лисица теперь имеет точку опоры в тасмании, недавней серии случайных внедрений и, возможно, вредоносных выпусков. тасманские дикие животные и сельскохозяйственные власти стремятся сильно подавить эту небольшую популяцию, прежде чем она взрывается и разрушает их острова биоразнообразие и наносит вред сельского хозяйство.
australia holds the world record for mammal extinctions. we have lost 20 species in the last 200 years, almost half the global total in that time. but an impending ecological tragedy in tasmania could mean this dismal record is about to get worse.
mammal extinctions on the mainland were caused primarily by the red fox and feral cat. foxes never became established in tasmania, and although tasmania has feral cats they seem to have had little impact. aside from the extinction of the thylacine (the “tasmanian tiger”), tasmania has kept a healthy mammal fauna.
the fox now has a foothold in tasmania, thanks to a recent series of accidental introductions and possibly malicious releases. tasmanian wildlife and agricultural authorities are striving mightily to suppress this small population before it explodes and wrecks their island’s biodiversity and damages farming
The extinction of certain animal species nowadays causes concern throughout the world, and it is believed that humanity is responsible for taking measures to reverse this trend. However, besides the impact of civilization on nature, some other possible reasons for such extinction need to be taken into account. The following paragraphs will shed light on the role of people in saving fauna and whether this issue could be completely controlled by human kind.
Firstly, there are obvious reasons why people should work towards protecting endangered animal species. Thus, each animal kind is an indispensable part of sophisticated natural biological processes, such as pollination or removing malevolent plants or animals, and protection of fauna is of paramount importance for people. From the practical side of the issue, saving species for the sake of preserving the aesthetic appearance of nature is essential, and, as an example, eco-tourism widely growing in popularity is seen as one of the tools in protecting nature at large and animals in particular.
Nonetheless, it would be wrong to put all the blame for animal extinction on humans as there are natural reasons for this phenomenon. To be more precise, some natural conditions may lead to species disappearance – climate change, epidemics or disasters of various kinds could heavily influence animals. On the other hand, with the growing human population, it would be quite hard to slow down the industrial production that not only provides for people, but at the same time pollutes the environment and negatively influences animals.
As a conclusion, it is imperative that people consolidate efforts in preventing animals from disappearing, and I totally support this attitude. Still, it is important to remember that natural circumstances that could hardly be controlled by human would continue to take their toll on animals.
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