"An interesting case of life"
An interesting case of life. As once I return as home from school and I got to meet a funny little dog. This dog was a small, brown with funny ears. Boy gave her a piece of bread, and the dog stood on his hind legs, ears and podnela I was funny.
"Интересный случай из жизни"
Интересный случай из жизни. Как то раз я возращалась домой из школы и навстречу мне попалась смешная собачка. Это собака была маленькая, коричневая со смешными ушами. Ей какой-то мальчик дал кусочек хлеба, а собака стала на задние лапки, поднела ушки и мне стало смешно.
Dear Dean ,
How are you? My holidays are passing great. As I planned, I went to England for the holidays. I'm staying with Mr Brown's family. They have very beatiful house in Strartford-upon-Avon. It is not far from London. In this city wa born famous writer William Shekaspeare. This town is not very big however there are many places of interests like Shekspeare's house where he was born.I've already been there.
Anyway, I would like to say more about the family I'm staying with. George Brown is a very nice gentleman. He works in the bank, I suppose. But I don't really know. His wife, Mrs Brown is a housewife. Her pancakes are amazing. Every day, she cooks different meals for her family. They have son called Jim. He is 15. He is very friendly. Jim also has holidays so we are spending free time together. We both like soccer and also he taught me some rules of rugby. It is a very catching game. When I will come back, I will teach you. Hopefully, you gonna like it.
That's it. I'm sorry but I don't have a lot of time. We are planning several excursions to London. I will tell you about it later. What are you doing at home? How is our family?(Say "hello" to mum,ok?) Did Dad repair our TV?
See you soon,
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