ØчɆнЬ яБлØ XoчцА
1. A humanoid robot is a robot with its body shape built to resemble the human body.
2. Pepper moves around with wheels and it has various sensors around its foot area, which prevent collisions with the surroundings.
3. The little robots assist in exercise sessions and help children overcome their fears of surgery, sometimes going to the theatre with them.
4. In restaurants, you can use the Pepper Robot, they will interact with customers, take orders and offer pies. The Pepper Robot can be used to work on board the liner. The robot will greet guests on board and help them navigate. Also, the Pepper robot can be used in "seminars" where people interested in insurance and for advertising purposes are invited.
5. I would like a robot like Pepper because he would help around the house and help people in their work. They would fulfill and use our latent desire. The elderly will need a robot most of all, because if they have a robot like Pepper next to them, they will not feel lonely.
Объяснение: Если ответ лучший, почему бы его не отметить как лучший ответ?
На картинке изображена дочка и отец. Они находятся на природе. Погода теплая и солнечная.Девочка одета в платье с ремешком , а папа в шорты и штаны к так же у обоих на ногах ботинки . Они гуляют. Возможно на выходных и когда хорошая погода.
The picture shows a daughter and a father. They are in nature. The weather is warm and sunny. The girl is dressed in a dress with a strap, and dad in shorts and pants, and both have boots on their feet. They're walking. Perhaps on weekends and when the weather is good.
Это яблоко потому что яблоко это яблоко то есть яблоко это Apple