This happened when I was about seven. My brother – four years older than me – and I (1) were playing a game called “sock soccer”. The game consists of wearing slippers on your hand and hitting a ball made of old socks full of paper, trying to score a goal; you have to do this lying on the floor.
Our old house was on two levels, upstairs there were the bedrooms and we (2) went there only to sleep. On the first floor there was a little kitchen, a dining room with television, a sitting room, and a long corridor with a fireplace at the end. While we were playing, my father (3) was listening to the news on TV and our noise disturbed him a lot. He (4) complained several times, but the game was too much fun to stop!
Suddenly, the ball (5) fell into the fireplace and started to burn. I was so unhappy about this! I was watching the ball burning, when my brother came and looked at me, looked at the ball and said, “Dad, we (6) have just finished!”
We looked each other in the eye and we started laughing, like fools!
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