1 ex Reported questions Write the original questions that the person was asked during a job interview. First, they asked me 1if my present job was interesting and 2how much I earned. They wanted to know 3if I had worked with computers before and 4what qualifications I had. They asked 5whether I could fix broken electronic equipment. Then they asked 6how long I was going to stay in this town. Finally, they wondered 7if I would be happy to earn £200 à week.
1) Is your present job interesting?
Multi-part verbs (2) Rewrite the sentences using multi-part verbs.
1 I did a bit of work organising the end-of-year school dance.
2 Someone from the company contacted me about my application letter.
3 Ithought of some good ideas for the fancy dress competition.
4 My cousin and I have a really good relationship and spend a lot of time together. 5 lam really excited about going on holiday to 20 Croatia next month.
6 Everyone else in the class knows more Spanish than I do so I find it difficult to do as well as them.
3 ex
Asking what to do Use the cues to write questions.
1 you advise me /where / find ICT courses? Пример :Could you advise me where to find ICT courses?
2 you advise me /what language/ learn?
3 you tell me / how/get a good job?
4 you recommend / who / talk to about careers?
5 you recommend /when / go on holiday there?
6 you tell me/ how often / take a break?
1) You must not speak loudly at the lesson. - Ты не должен громко разговаривать на уроке.
2) You must not run round the desks during the break. - Ты не должен бегать вокруг парт во время перемены.
3) You must not be late at your lessons. - Ты не должен опаздывать на уроки.
4) You must be polite. - Ты должен быть вежливым
5) You must not speak rudely to anybody. - Ты не должен разговаривать грубо с кем бы то ни было.
6) You must not come to school without your school uniform. - Ты не должен приходить в школу без школьной формы.
Rules for teachers:
1) You must know your subject well. - Вы должны хорошо знать свой предмет.
2) You must not shout at the students - Вы не должны кричать на учеников
3) You must consider the opinions of students - Вы дожны учитывать мнение учеников
4) You should not give a bad mark for the student's behavior at the lesson in the class register - Вы не должны ставить плохие оценки за поведение на уроке в классный журнал