Charity begins at home, they say. What is charity? It is the way to help needy people. When one person or many people need help, other people can donate money and do other useful things for them. Mother Teresa once said: “To truly give charity, you must be free of selfishness!” The charity is popular nowadays but some rich and famous people do it only for their image and brand. But several years before all people did it sincerely, to my mind.
Charity is well developed in foreign countries, unfortunately, in Russia, charity isn't very popular. There are so many charitable organizations in the world today. They allow people to donate either directly or online, through websites.
Charity can be different, for example, people can help the old or the orphans. We can send different things, food and money to them.
Charity is really good. If we want to help people and we also have a capability to do it, we must do it. And maybe our world will be better.
To conclude, charity helps some people financially, helps others appreciate what they have, and makes the community a better place.
Past Simple
This happened in Australia during a water-polo game that was one of the main sports events of the season. Рассказ о событиях в
There was nothing exciting at the beginning of the game, but suddenly one of the players jumped out of the water and ran to the referee. Поевствование о последовательных действиях, произошедших ранее.
Past Continuous
He said that while he was swimming under water, one of the forwards of the other team had bitten him in the leg. Действие, происходившее в момент совершения другого действия в
Другого предложения с глаголом в Past Continuous в тексте нет.
Past Perfect
He said that while he was swimming under water, one of the forwards of the other team had bitten him in the leg. Действие в момент, прешествующий другому в
He called the forward and asked him why he had done such a strange thing.
Действие, совершенное раньше другого в