There is no blackboard in our classroom. Is there a blackboard in our classroom?There aren't any English books on the table. Are there any English books on the table?There were not very many mistakes in your dictation. Were there many mistakes in your dictation?There is no new grammar rule in Lesson Four. Is there a new grammar rule in Lesson Four?There was no telegram on the table. Was there a telegram on the table?There wasn't too little ink in my pen to write two letters. Was there little ink in my pen to write two letters?
Lena Pillars - a natural park in Russia, located on the banks of the Lena River in Yakutia Khangalassky region 104 km from the town of Pokrovsk. Stretched for many kilometers vertically elongated rocks complex, intricately piled along the banks of the Lena, deep valley cutting through Prilenskoye plateau, never ceases to attract photographers and travelers. The highest density of pillars reaching between the villages of Peter and Tit-Ary. The height of the rock formations up to 100 meters. Scientists believe that the formation of the rocks began 560-540 million years ago, and the very formation of the Lena Pillars as a form of relief - about 400 thousand years ago.. Natural Park "Lena Pillars" was organized on the basis of the Republic of Sakha Presidential Decree (Yakutia) on August 16, 1994 № 837 and the government decree of 10 February 1995 and is subject to the regional Ministry of Nature Protection. Park Plaza -. 485 thousand hectares, the park is divided into two branches - "Columns" and "Sinskaya".
Joy likes Linda's optimism and honesty // beautiful eyes and slim body // determination and strong will // most of all.
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