In his book The Mystery of the Third Planet describes Alice Selezneva. This girl from the future. Alice and pretenders strange merchant named Romadi Gromada tried to sell space in the zoo wonderful animal - a cat-bird, which can turn into other animals. Alice and her friends will certainly need to solve the mystery of this enigmatic ptitsekoshki! The Mystery of the Third Planet Professor Seleznev, Captain Green and Alice go on an expedition for the new space for animals zoo. The heroes have to visit a planet two captains, get in the bazaar planet Bluķe talker, indicator, and then go to the third planet of Medusa system to save Captain Kim.
I wondered: "Can people live without modern information technology?" Let's try to understand.Let's start with the fact that the modern world is literally forcing people every day to use any gadgets whether the phone to communicate with people, or the Navigator to navigate the terrain, or is it an e-book, which is much more practical than the usual - paper.Second gadgets just to help people pass the time. Imagine that you have done if it were not for MP3 players, e-books and games to your phone. How to pass your leisure time, such as when you are waiting for the queue to see a doctor or go to transport.On the other hand people are abusing the Internet or the availability of some gadgets and a place to clean the house, do homework, read books all day, they lie on the couch and hang out on the Internet, without prejudging them of anything useful. As a result, people are losing their friends, work, scoring in the study. This is the negative side - dependence.In conclusion I can say that the arrival of informative technologies in our life plays a more positive impact than negative. Availability helps us to develop. I think people just need to learn to use new technologies for the benefit of himself.
Перевод вопросов:
1. Жила ли коричневая мышь в городе?
2. Нравилось ли коричневой мышке жить в селе(деревне)?
3. Что находилось возле домика(коттеджа)?
4. Носила ли городская мышь роскошную, красивую одежду?
5. Что мыши ели на ужин?
6. Понравился ли городской мышке ужин?
7. Хотелось ли городской мышке жить в селе(деревне)?
8. Жила ли городская мышь в большом доме?
9. Как мышки добрались до дома?
10. Хотели ли мыши есть?
11. Что находилось на столе в столовой(комната для обедов)?
12. Стояла ли вода на столе?
13. Кто зашел в комнату?
14. Что мужчина взял со стола?
15. Почему деревенская мышь не могла есть?