Shop Assistant: Can I help you?
Talgat: Yes, please. We’re looking for some materials. We want to make our own art. We have competition at school.
Shop assistant: Mm OK. How about this? It's a candle-making kit. It's one of the most popular products.
Lena: I really like it; I think I'm going to make my own candles.
Talgat: I’m looking for something a bit different
Lena: Well, how about this? Everyone always needs soap
Talgat: Oh, soap! That's a better idea than candles.
Lena: Thank you. Goodbye
atmosphere - c climate - d Earth - h the Moon - i ocean - e planet - b space - j sunrise - f sunset - g the universe - a2
1 This is the mixture of gases around the Earth. - atmosphere 2 This is the where the stars and planets are. It is the outside the Earth's atmosphere. - space 3 This is the word for any of the large round objects that move around the Sun. - planet 4 This the word for the typical weather in one place. - climate 5 This is the time in the morning when the Sun appears. - sunrise 6 This is the name of the planet we live on. - Earth 7 This is everything that exists: space, stars, planets. – the universe 8 This is the time in the evening when the sun disappears. - sunset 9 This is a large area of water on Earth. - ocean 10 This is the round white object we see in the sky at night. It moves around the Earth. – the Moon