An author ['3:03) a genre l'zonro] an emotion (i'məoſn) a pattern l'pætn] a poet l'pəvit) poetry l'pəvitri] a novel I'ndvl] a novelist l'npvlist] drama ['dra:mə] a dramatist ['dræmatist) amusing lə'mju:zip] emotional (ı'məſnəl] перевести
How does music affect a person’s mood? the fact that music helps a person to cope with difficult life situations is undeniable. music can create and maintain the right mood. it helps to relax or, conversely, recharge your batteries. it is not surprising that after work, many people, crossing the threshold of their own home, first of all include their favorite songs .in the mornings it is better to listen to peppy and rhythmic music, it will wake you up and make you jump out of bed. moreover, cheerful and energetic music affects the human psyche and helps him change sadness to joy, and sadness on optimizm.medlennaya and smooth music will help to calm down, to escape from everyday worries and problem.spokoynaya and soft music affects a person, as a sleep aid, so if you can not sleep, turn on soft music. думаю, что верно)
1) E-mail is considered to be a very good means of communication.
We Asked our teacher to explain that rule to us.
BBC is a large broadcasting corporation.
You can come to see him if you want to.
I admit that I was wrong about it.
I asked him to buy us two tickets for the concert.
Don't answer the phone, _let it calls. ( Не отвечай на телефонный звонок, пусть звонит...)
2) She likes reading science fiction a lot.
There is an interesting programme about endangered species and national parks this evening.