1. He isn’t watching / doesn’t watch a match now. He is in the library.
2. Paddy often watches / is often watching football matches with his friends.
3. Do you work / Are you working or I can come in?
4. My English is getting / gets a lot better.
5. He usually stays / is staying in his flat in London, but he is staying / stays with his parents at the moment.
6. I spend / am spending more time with my girlfriend these days.
7. We don’t write/ aren’t writing to each other very often.
We use simple and progressive tenses with action verbs.
The meaning of the verb doesn’t change.
I often eat fruit.→ I’m eating an apple now.
I go home at lunchtime. .→I’m going home now.
Мы можем использовать только простые (неопределенные) времена глаголов, не обозначающих действия (e.g. believe, belong, hate, know, like, love, need, prefer, see, understand).
I want to be alone.
Yes, I remember now.
know realize understand recognize
believe feel suppose think*
imagine doubt remember forget
want need prefer mean
love like appreciate hate
dislike fear envy mind
possess have* own belong
taste* smell* hear feel*
seem look* appear* cost
owe weigh* be* exist
consist of contain include
Глаголы, отмеченные звездочкой, могут также использоваться в длительных временах, но с другим значением, как в следующих предложениях:
Nonprogressive Progressive
I think he is a kind man. I am thinking
about this grammar.
He has a car. I am having
This food tastes good. The chef is tasting
a sauce.
These flowers smell good. Don is smelling
the roses.
1. Kate cooks dinner every day.
2. Kate will cook dinner tomorrow.
3. Kate is cooking dinner now.
4. Kate cooked dinner yesterday.
5. I don't eat ice cream every day.
6. I am not eating ice cream now.
7. I won't (shan't) eat ice cream tomorrow.
8. I don't eat ice cream every day.
9. He spent last summer in the country.
10. He didn’t spend last summer in the country.
1. Max isn't here. He is washing his car. He washes it every weekend.
2. He won't play the piano tomorrow.
3. We saw a very good film last Sunday.
4. Does your mother cook every day?
5. We made a fire last summer.
6. I spent last summer at the seaside.
7. Where will you spend next summer?
8. Where will he spend next summer?
9. What is mother doing now? – She is cooking dinner.
10. I didn’t play computer games yesterday.