1. When did chemical knowledge advance to contribute significantly to pharmacology?-However, only in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries chemicalknowledge advanced to the point at which it became capable to contributesignificantly to pharmacology. 2. What did the industrial revolution do?-The industrial revolution of the last century gave birth to syntheticorganic chemistry and established a new branch of knowledge necessary for thesynthesis of new drugs. 3. How is pharmacy defined at present?-At present pharmacy is defined as the art and scienceof recognition, identification, collection, preparation, storage, test,composition and distribution of all substances used in preventive or incurative medicine for people’s treatment. 4. Which contribution was the isolation of the active constituents?-The first and the most important was theisolation in relatively pure chemical form of the active constituents ofplants. 5. Why do pharmaceutical students master so many subjects?-It includes different subjects, suchas physics, chemistry, botany, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, etc. whichpharmaceutical students master to become highly qualified pharmaceutists. 6. When did pharmacy become an independent branch of medicine?-It becamean independent branch of medicine when an increasing variety of drugs and theircomplex compositions demanded specialists familiar with such technologies. 7. How long did it take man to make this very important step?-It tookman over five thousand years to make this very important step. 8. Where does the word «pharmacy» come from?-The word «pharmacy» comes from Greek and in the modem language means «adrug» 9. What specialists did an increasing variety of drugs demand?-The first and the most important was theisolation in relatively pure chemical form of the active constituents ofplants. 10. Who contributed to our present knowledge of pharmacy?-The civilization of the past contributed to our present knowledge by thecollection of drugs and medicinal preparations.
My best day was when I woke up on Sunday morning. I wanted to walk and I called my friend. We went for a walk and have accumulated all that is in store. It was very fun. Uncle came with a camera and took pictures of us as happy customers. My friend and I went home and then we were shown on the channel on the popular. That such was my best day of the year Перевод Мой лучший день в году был, когда я проснулся утром в воскресенье.Мне захотелось погулять и я позвонил своему другу.Мы пошли гулять и накопили всего что есть в магазине.Нам было очень весело.Пришёл дядька с камерой и снял нас как счастливых покупателей.Мы с другом разошлись по домам и потом нас показали по по популярному каналу.Вот такой был мой лучший день в году!
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