1. You must follow the rules of the zoo and the instructions of the staff of the zoo.
Соблюдай правила поведения в зоопарке и следуй указаниям сотрудников.
2. You must be calm and careful in the zoo. Веди себя спокойно и будь внимательным в зоопарке.
3. You must pay attention to the zoo signs and labels.Обращай внимание на указатели и таблички в зоопарке.
4. You must be polite to other visitors.Будь вежлив с другими посетителями.
5. You must keep the zoo tidy. You mustn't drop any litter there.Соблюдай чистоту. Не разбрасывай мусор на территории зоопарка.
6. You mustn’t bring your pets to the zoo.Нельзя приводить в зоопарк своих питомцев.
7. You mustn’t use flashlights when taking photos.Нельзя пользоваться вспышкой во время фотографирования.
8. You mustn’t smoke at the zoo, bring your bicycles or use your rollers. Нельзя курить, ездить на велосипедах или роликах в зоопарке.
9. You mustn't feed or touch and pet animals. This is very dangerous! Нельзя кормить, трогать или гладить животных.
10. You mustn't switch on music, make noise or shout in the zoo.Нельзя включать музыку, кричать и шуметь.
11. You mustn’t tease or scare animals or disturb them in any other way.Нельзя дразнить, пугать или как-то беспокоить животных.
12. You mustn’t leave children unattended. Нельзя оставлять детей без присмотра.
13. Do not go over the barriers and fencing. Строго запрещается заходить за ограждение.
14. You mustn’t break branches of trees and shrubs, pick up flowers and walk on the grass.Нельзя ломать ветки деревьев, кустарников, срывать цветы и ходить по траве.
1) Do you like winter, summer, spring or autumn? -I like summer. 2) Does Rose speak French or English? - Rose speaks English. 3) Do they want to play football or basketball? - They want to play basketball. 4) Does this girl like to sing or dance? - This girl likes to sing. 5) Do you ride your bike in the street or in the park? - I ride my bike in the park. 6) Do your grandparents live in the city or village? - My grandparents live in the city. 7) Do you want to watch cartoon or film? - I want to watch cartoon. 8) Does your cat sleep in the hall or in the bedroom? - My cat sleeps in the hall. 9) Do you have coffee or tea for breakfast? - I have tea for breakfast. 10) Does Tim learn French or Spanish? - Tim learns French. 11) Does your father like to read newspapers or magazines? - My father likes to read newspapers. 12) Do they like to eat meat or fish? - They like to eat fish.
Choose the best title for the story.1)All Is Well that Ends Well.(Всё хорошо,что хорошо кончается.) 2)Why Do Cats Wash after Dinner? 3)The Smart Bird
A smart little Bird flew (fly) to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She ... (run) from one room to another (B .n;pyrylO) and suddenly she ... (see) a big grey Cat. The Cat ... (jump) and ... (catch) the Bird. "Now I can have a nice breakfast," the Cat ... (say)."You can't have breakfast now," ... (say) the Bird. "You must wash first. The farmer and his family always (всегда) wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.""All right," the Cat ... (say). "I live with the farmer's family and in their house, and I must do what they do."And the Cat opened his mouth and ... (begin) to wash. But when he ... (be) clean and ... (want) to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The smart little Bird ... (fly) away. She ... (be) in the garden in a tall tree. She ... (be) happy and ... (begin) to sing."Now I see," the cat ... (say). "I must wash, but I must wash after dinner." And now all cats wash after dinner. вот это?
1. You must follow the rules of the zoo and the instructions of the staff of the zoo.
Соблюдай правила поведения в зоопарке и следуй указаниям сотрудников.
2. You must be calm and careful in the zoo. Веди себя спокойно и будь внимательным в зоопарке.
3. You must pay attention to the zoo signs and labels.Обращай внимание на указатели и таблички в зоопарке.
4. You must be polite to other visitors.Будь вежлив с другими посетителями.
5. You must keep the zoo tidy. You mustn't drop any litter there.Соблюдай чистоту. Не разбрасывай мусор на территории зоопарка.
6. You mustn’t bring your pets to the zoo.Нельзя приводить в зоопарк своих питомцев.
7. You mustn’t use flashlights when taking photos.Нельзя пользоваться вспышкой во время фотографирования.
8. You mustn’t smoke at the zoo, bring your bicycles or use your rollers. Нельзя курить, ездить на велосипедах или роликах в зоопарке.
9. You mustn't feed or touch and pet animals. This is very dangerous! Нельзя кормить, трогать или гладить животных.
10. You mustn't switch on music, make noise or shout in the zoo.Нельзя включать музыку, кричать и шуметь.
11. You mustn’t tease or scare animals or disturb them in any other way.Нельзя дразнить, пугать или как-то беспокоить животных.
12. You mustn’t leave children unattended. Нельзя оставлять детей без присмотра.
13. Do not go over the barriers and fencing. Строго запрещается заходить за ограждение.
14. You mustn’t break branches of trees and shrubs, pick up flowers and walk on the grass.Нельзя ломать ветки деревьев, кустарников, срывать цветы и ходить по траве.