Talking about you 5 Tell each other what you like doing and what you don't like doing in your free time. Ask questions to find out details. I don't like watching TV, but I like reading very much. Oh, really? What do you read? Why don't you like watching TV? WRITING Form filling p106 Unit 3 Work hard, play hard! 25
I have my favorite doll Masha. She has a very pretty face with big blue eyes and small lips. The doll gorgeous long eyelashes.She's also got a neat little nose. Hair Masha long, light brown color. In the sun they give a Golden tint. The hands and feet of the doll are rotated in different directions. It can also sit on twine. I love my doll, because she is very sweet and beautiful.
У меня есть моя любимая кукла Маша. У неё очень милое лицо с большими голубыми глазами и маленькими губками. У куклы шикарные длинные ресницы.Также у неё аккуратный маленький носик. Волосы у Маши длинные, русого цвета. На солнце они отдают золотым оттенком. Руки и ноги у куклы вращаются в разные стороны. Она также может сесть на шпагат. Я очень люблю свою куклу, так как она очень мила и красива.
O.Henry The real name of the writer is William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina, the USA in the family of a doctor. His mother died when he was three. And his aunt who had a private school, stimulated his reading and storytelling. Porter worked as a clerk in his uncle's drugstore for 5 years. But he wanted to see a new places and he went to Texas. Soon he married and when a daughter was born, Porter was a happy father. But his happiness didn't last long. One day a theft of a thousand dollars was discovered at the Bank where he worked. But it wasn't he who had taken the money, and he left the town and went to Central America. But when he heard that his wife was very ill, he returned home. And was found guilty and put to the prison for 3 years. Porter very often thought about his little daughter. She was living with her relatives and was told that her father had gone far away, and would not return soon. And he want to make some Christmas present for his daughter. Porter decided to write a story and sent it to one of the American magazines. This story was published, and his daughter received a present. Porter had signed the story O'Henry - the first pen-name that came into his had. In 1901 he was released from prison . He continued to write short stories for different magazines. And very soon he became one of the most popular short-story writers in America. During the short period of his literary activity O.Henry wrote 273 short stories and one novel "Cabbages and Kings" . It's a great writer .
-what are you don't like doing in your free time?
- I don't like do clean. I love watch TV.
-Oh. What do you whatch?
-I like watch horror movies