2 1 3 4 7 Japan France 10 13 14 9 11 15 16 12 USA Britain 1 1 Match 1-16 in the photos with words 203 in the box. Then listen and check. salad chips soup sweets fish apple bread rice pasta nuts egg crisps sandwich beans water burger cheese fizzy drink juice ice cream meat 6
2. The typist had typed(Past Perfect -Active voice ) all the letters before the manager came(Past Indefinite -Active voice )
3. I shall be preparing (Future Continious -Active Voice )for my examinations in May.
4. Science in Russia has made( Present Perfect -Active voice ) enomorous progress since the beginning of the century.
5. They informed(Past Indefinite -Active voice ) us that they had charted (Past Indefinite -Active voice )the steamer "Minsk" for the transportation of the goods.