your favourite book. Then read your sentences to your partner. Can your partner guess which book is your favourite? My favourite book is a ... story about It was written by My favourite book is a love story about two teenagers, who ...
1. The house was built 50 years ago. (Дом был построен 50 лет назад.)
2. How many cars were damaged? (Сколько машин было повреждено?)
3. The food was cooked last night. (Еда была приготовлена прошлой ночью.)
4. The door was opened by a man. (Дверь была открыта мужчиной.)
Обоснование и пошаговое решение:
1. Для образования пассивного залога в Past Simple мы используем вспомогательный глагол "be" в соответствующей форме (в данном случае "was/were") + глагол в третьей форме (глагол в прошедшем времени). В данном случае глагол "to build" (строить) должен быть изменен на форму в третьей форме "built" (построен). Таким образом, ответ: The house was built 50 years ago.
2. Здесь вопрос задается в пассивной форме, поэтому также используем вспомогательный глагол "be" в соответствующей форме + глагол в третьей форме. В данном случае глагол "to damage" (повреждать) должен быть изменен на форму в третьей форме "damaged" (повреждено). Таким образом, вопрос: How many cars were damaged?
3. Фраза в Past Simple Passive имеет такую же структуру, как и предыдущие. Глагол "to cook" (готовить) изменяется на форму в третьей форме "cooked" (приготовлено). Фраза: The food was cooked last night.
4. Здесь присутствует дополнительная информация о действующем лице - "a man" (мужчина). Поэтому помимо вспомогательного глагола и глагола в третьей форме, мы также добавляем предлог "by" (от) и указываем действующее лицо. Глагол "to open" (открывать) изменяется на форму в третьей форме "opened" (открыто). Таким образом, фраза: The door was opened by a man.
1. Being a nurse in a busy hospital is a very demanding job.
- "demanding" means requiring a lot of effort or work, so this sentence means that being a nurse in a busy hospital requires a lot of effort and work.
2. Police officers are demanding tougher sentences for people who carry knives.
- "demanding" means asking for something forcefully, so this sentence means that police officers are asking for stricter punishment for people who carry knives.
3. The president will not be able to claim victory until all the votes are counted.
- "claim" means asserting or stating as true, so this sentence means that the president cannot state or assert his victory until all the votes are counted.
4. She finally got the success that she truly deserved.
- "deserved" means to have earned or be worthy of something, so this sentence means that she finally achieved the success that she earned or was worthy of.
5. He made his way to London to seek his fortune.
- "seek" means to search or look for something, so this sentence means that he traveled to London to search for or look for his fortune (meaning good luck or success).
6. George confirmed that he had ever been to this house.
- "confirmed" means to establish the truth or correctness of something, so this sentence means that George stated or verified that he had been to this house before.
7. The new group were just awesome, all the teenagers were crazy about them.
- "awesome" means extremely impressive or excellent, so this sentence means that the new group was extremely impressive or excellent, and all the teenagers were really excited about them.
8. The great painting was executed at the turn of the 19th century.
- "executed" means to create or produce something, so this sentence means that the great painting was created or produced at the turn of the 19th century.
9. The jury declared him innocent and he was allowed to go free.
- "innocent" means not guilty of a crime or wrongdoing, so this sentence means that the jury stated or declared that he was not guilty, and he was permitted to go without punishment.
10. Human rights groups claim that the trial was unfair.
- "trial" means a formal examination of evidence in court, so this sentence means that human rights groups state or assert that the examination of evidence in court was unfair.
11. The date of the meeting will soon be confirmed.
- "confirmed" means to establish the truth or correctness of something, so this sentence means that the date of the meeting will soon be verified or established.
12. The humanity is facing the growing menace of global pollution.
- "menace" means a threat or danger, so this sentence means that humanity is confronting the increasing threat or danger of global pollution.
13. A secretary betrayed his trust and made the private information public.
- "betrayed" means to be disloyal or unfaithful to someone, so this sentence means that a secretary acted disloyally or unfaithfully and revealed the private information to the public.
2. Word combinations:
1. Our grandparents thought that absolute obedience from children is necessary.
- This sentence means that our grandparents believed it was necessary for children to obey completely without question.
2. I have very strong doubts that this new film deserves our time.
- This sentence means that the speaker has serious doubts that this new film is worth their time or attention.
3. He stood on trial and felt awful about it.
- This sentence means that he was put on trial (meaning a legal examination in court), and he felt terrible or very bad about it.
4. I’m in awe. Take my word for it.
- "in awe" means to be amazed or impressed, so this sentence means that the speaker is extremely amazed or impressed. When they say "Take my word for it," they want the listener to trust or believe what they are saying.
5. Peter knew it wasn’t easy to enter the best university in the country, but it was a real challenge. The fact only confirms his determination.
- This sentence means that Peter understood that it was difficult to get into the best university but he saw it as a real challenge. The fact (meaning the truth) that it was difficult only verifies or supports his determination (meaning strong resolve or motivation).
6. Careless drivers often become a real menace on the roads.
- "menace" means a threat or danger, so this sentence means that careless drivers often become a significant threat or danger on the roads.
7. He was sentenced with murder.
- "sentenced" means to receive a punishment after being found guilty, so this sentence means that he received a punishment for the crime of murder.
8. We all stood in awe in front of the painting.
- "stood in awe" means to be amazed or impressed, so this sentence means that all of us were extremely amazed or impressed while standing in front of the painting.
9. The organization claims more than 10,000 people.
- "claims" means to state or assert, so this sentence means that the organization declares or says that it has more than 10,000 people.
10. They will be on trial for that bank robbery.
- "on trial" means involved in a legal examination in court, so this sentence means that they will be examined in court for the crime of bank robbery.
1. The house was built 50 years ago. (Дом был построен 50 лет назад.)
2. How many cars were damaged? (Сколько машин было повреждено?)
3. The food was cooked last night. (Еда была приготовлена прошлой ночью.)
4. The door was opened by a man. (Дверь была открыта мужчиной.)
Обоснование и пошаговое решение:
1. Для образования пассивного залога в Past Simple мы используем вспомогательный глагол "be" в соответствующей форме (в данном случае "was/were") + глагол в третьей форме (глагол в прошедшем времени). В данном случае глагол "to build" (строить) должен быть изменен на форму в третьей форме "built" (построен). Таким образом, ответ: The house was built 50 years ago.
2. Здесь вопрос задается в пассивной форме, поэтому также используем вспомогательный глагол "be" в соответствующей форме + глагол в третьей форме. В данном случае глагол "to damage" (повреждать) должен быть изменен на форму в третьей форме "damaged" (повреждено). Таким образом, вопрос: How many cars were damaged?
3. Фраза в Past Simple Passive имеет такую же структуру, как и предыдущие. Глагол "to cook" (готовить) изменяется на форму в третьей форме "cooked" (приготовлено). Фраза: The food was cooked last night.
4. Здесь присутствует дополнительная информация о действующем лице - "a man" (мужчина). Поэтому помимо вспомогательного глагола и глагола в третьей форме, мы также добавляем предлог "by" (от) и указываем действующее лицо. Глагол "to open" (открывать) изменяется на форму в третьей форме "opened" (открыто). Таким образом, фраза: The door was opened by a man.