ответ:1. It is never too early to think about choosing a profession. 2. It all depends on how the world is changing. 3. Changes in the world will affect existing work. 4. There are regular, occasional, full-time and part-time jobs. 5. People who lose their jobs become unemployed. 6. Some jobs require good imagination, physical strength or late work. 7. Parents and teachers encourage and influence the choice of profession. 8. When you are looking for a job, you should take a good look at yourself. 9. It is important to consider your interests and abilities. 10. You should have the skills of teamwork and critical thinking. 11. Communication skills and computer skills are important, which is why you need to work on them all the time.
Объяснение: Надеюсь у тебя всё получиться
wtite - wrote, written писать
read - read, read читать
spend - spent, spent проводить (время)
give - gave given давать
bring - brought brought приносить
buy - bought bought покупать
sleep - sleep slept спать
understand- understood understood понимать
cost - cost cost стоить
go - went gone ходить
come - came come приходить
meet - met met встречать
swim - swam swam плавать
forget - forgot forgiven забывать
sit - sat sat сидеть
eat - ate eaten кушать
drink- drank drank пить
fly - flew flaw летать
run - run run бегать
get - got got получать
became - become became становиться (моделью)
begin - began began начинать
brake broke broken ломать
build- built build строить
do did going to делать
drive drove driven водить (машины)
have had иметь
see saw see видеть