-Hello, everybody! How are you doing? I’m Lana. What’s the weather like there in your place? In Russia we have snow and it’s very cold now.
-Hi, Lana! Here in America it’s not cold. But it’s cloudy and an unpleasant wind is blowing.
-Hi, everybody! And here in Brazil it’s very warm and sunny! Welcome to Brazil!
-Wow. Guys! In Alaska too, the sun is shining in the sky! It’s very nice today, and it is even a little bit warm!
-Well, Lana, I’m Akiro. Here in Japan the weather is amazing, but it has recently rained. As for me I like rain. What about you?
-Hello, Akiro. Sometimes I like to walk in rain. It depends.
-Hi! I don’t like rain. It has been raining here in the mountains since early morning. I don’t feel like going outside at all!
-Where are you from?
-Oh, I'm from Scotland. Rain, rain, go away! Come again some other day... :))
1.Do gold fish live in fishbowls or in rivers?
2) Can parrots talk or sing?
3) Can canaries sing or talk?
4) Do parrots have long tails or wings?
5) Did Tom have a hamster or a cat last year ?
6)Are budgies colorful or colorless birds?
7) Did Bet at -?( Непонятное слово ) keep rabbits or hamsters last summer ?8) Does Sue like kittens or puppies?