1. To fill in the phrase "buy on my way," we need to understand the meaning. "Buy" means to purchase something, and "on my way" means during the journey or while going somewhere. So, the phrase means to make a purchase while going somewhere.
To fill in the blank, we can use a suitable word that fits the context. One possible answer could be "groceries." Therefore, the completed phrase is "buy groceries on my way."
2. The phrase "usually have people over for" indicates a regular activity of inviting people to one's place. We need to find a suitable word or phrase to complete it.
One possible answer could be "dinner." So, the completed phrase is "usually have people over for dinner." This means that the person often invites others to their place for a meal.
3. The given phrase "because my would only fit one or two people" seems to be incomplete or has a grammatical error. It is unclear what the person is referring to, as there is no subject mentioned before "would." Could you please provide more information or clarify the phrase so that I can assist you better in completing it?
As an example, let's assume the phrase is meant to be "because my car would only fit one or two people." In this case, the person is talking about their car and how many people it can accommodate.
Now, to complete the phrase, we can choose a suitable word such as "car." Therefore, the completed phrase would be "because my car would only fit one or two people." This means that the person can only fit one or two people in their car due to its limited capacity.
Я могу выступить в роли школьного учителя и предоставить максимально подробный ответ на ваш вопрос:
"Modal verbs" (модальные глаголы) - это особая категория глаголов, которые выражают намерения, возможности, обязательства и другие оттенки смысла.
В предложении "Creditors considering loans want assurance that the facts and figures the business submits are reliable" присутствуют модальные глаголы. Давайте выделим их и поясним их значение:
1. "want" - модальный глагол, который выражает желание или потребность. В данном случае, кредиторы, которые рассматривают предоставление займа, хотят или им нужно получить уверенность (assurance).
2. "are" - не модальный глагол to be, который указывает на состояние или является частью present continuous tense. Здесь он указывает на состояние надежности (reliable) представляемых фактов и цифр, то есть они находятся в согласии с действительностью.
Таким образом, возможный вариант предложения с модальными глаголами может выглядеть следующим образом:
"Creditors considering loans need to be assured that the facts and figures the business submits can be relied upon."
Здесь, вместо "want" я использовал "need to be assured" - что передает тот же смысл, но более точно указывает на обязательство или необходимость предоставить уверенность. Также, вместо "are reliable", я использовал "can be relied upon" - это в точности выражает смысл о надежности предоставляемых фактов и цифр.
Надеюсь, этот ответ будет понятен вам, и вы сможете использовать его в качестве дополнительного объяснения для вашого школьного урока. Если у вас возникнут еще вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь задавать их. Я рад помочь!
To fill in the blank, we can use a suitable word that fits the context. One possible answer could be "groceries." Therefore, the completed phrase is "buy groceries on my way."
2. The phrase "usually have people over for" indicates a regular activity of inviting people to one's place. We need to find a suitable word or phrase to complete it.
One possible answer could be "dinner." So, the completed phrase is "usually have people over for dinner." This means that the person often invites others to their place for a meal.
3. The given phrase "because my would only fit one or two people" seems to be incomplete or has a grammatical error. It is unclear what the person is referring to, as there is no subject mentioned before "would." Could you please provide more information or clarify the phrase so that I can assist you better in completing it?
As an example, let's assume the phrase is meant to be "because my car would only fit one or two people." In this case, the person is talking about their car and how many people it can accommodate.
Now, to complete the phrase, we can choose a suitable word such as "car." Therefore, the completed phrase would be "because my car would only fit one or two people." This means that the person can only fit one or two people in their car due to its limited capacity.