Task 3. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to modal verbs.
1. We need to know the prices at the moment when we need money for the production of consumables.
2. You will have to follow all the procedures carefully.
3. We must reduce the shipping cost.
4. The teacher should have more free time to become a better professional.
5. The applicant should avoid vague, General and misleading wording.
6. you can consult with the Director before making a decision.
7. The world is changing and we must change with it.
8. Some of these views may be of some value.
9. a Humanized environment for employees can produce better employees.
10. in order for an engineering organization to thrive, it is necessary to ensure that its products meet a number of requirements.
Task 4. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian: it, that ,one.
1. Increasing the price of one factor will reduce the amount of this factor that will be in demand.
2. To implement these innovations, it is necessary to conduct marketing research.
3. In agriculture there are many factors that need to be perceived by farmers as risks.
4. students studying Economics can expect higher earnings than students studying philosophy.
5. trade Unions represent people who work, not those who are out of work.
6. One of the most important issues now is to present these new products.
7. This company is thriving. It not only ranks eighth in Russia in terms of oil production, but also has stakes in several promising projects.
8. These methods are more effective than those used in your company.
9. Complex economic problems, including fuel and energy, are resolved with the interests of all countries in mind.
10. Economics is the study of trade between Nations. This helps explain why
1. Самые ранние книги были написаны на табличках из дерева или кусочках коры. В Греции и Риме деревянные таблички были покрыты воском
The earliest books were written on tablets made of wood or pieces of bark. In Greece and Rome, wooden tablets were covered with wax
2 Книги были довольно распространены в Древнем Риме . Только богатые могли покупать книги или заставлять своих рабов копировать книги из важных библиотек
Books were quite common in Ancient Rome . Only the rich could buy books or force their slaves to copy books from important libraries
3 Печать быстро распространилась по Европе, и к концу 15-го века было более 200 печатных машин. Первая печатная машина в Англии была создана Уильямом Кэкстоном в Вестминстере в 1476 году, а первая печатная машина в России - Иваном Федоровым в Москве в 1564 году.
Printing quickly spread across Europe, and by the end of the 15th century there were more than 200 printing presses. The first printing press in England was created by William Caxton in Westminster in 1476, and the first printing press in Russia - by Ivan Fedorov in Moscow in 1564.
4 Ранние библиотеки использовались только учеными
Early libraries were used only by scientists
5 не знаю
6 Все старые университеты, такие как Оксфордский университет, Кембриджский университет, имеют хорошие библиотеки
All the old universities, such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, have good libraries
7 В Москве, Лондоне,Париже и других городах есть отличные библиотеки
There are excellent libraries in Moscow, London,Paris and other cities