Построить вопросы (общий, 2 альтернативных, 2 специальных, вопрос к подлежащему) к предложениям 1. On Women’s Day we congratulate all women and usually give them flowers.
2. On the 23rd of February we celebrate the Day of the Defender of our Motherland.
3. A lot of guests from different countries come to Moscow on the 9th of May
Only in the southern, central-chernozem strip of European Russia the furnace was located at a far corner from the entrance. The table always stood in a corner, diagonally from the stove. Above him was a box with icons. Walking along the walls were fixed benches, above them - shelves embedded in walls. In the rear part of the hut from the furnace to the side wall, a wooden flooring was arranged under the ceiling. In the South Russian areas, behind the side wall of the furnace there could be a wooden flooring for sleeping - a floor, a playground. All this fixed furnishings of the hut were built with the house and was called a choral outfit.