1. The village is accessible only by the road.
2. His story just isn't believable. It can't be true.
3. The company's new advert is excellent.
4. Jane is a very creative person.
5. Our tour guide was very considerate and made sure everyone was comfortable.
Из глаголов в скобках нужно создать прилагательное при окончаний -ible, -ent, -able, -ive, -ate
1. До этой деревни можно добраться только по дороге. (гл. access - получать доступ, добираться - прил. accessible - доступный, достижимый)
2. Его история неправдоподобна. Это не может быть правдой. (гл. believe - верить - прил. believeable - правдоподобный)
3. Новая реклама компании превосходна. (гл. - excel - превосходить, быть лучше - прил. excellent успешный, превосходный)
4. Джейн очень творческая личность. (гл. create - создавать, творить, - прил - creative - творческий)
5. Наш гид был очень заботлив и удостоверился в том, что всем было удобно. (гл. consider - принимать во внимание - прил. considerate - внимательный, заботливый).
Отрицательная форма
1. Our people don't read a lot of detective novels.
2. He has not a lot of great ideas.
3. Students usually don't buy a lot of textbooks.
4. Women not always have a lot of things to do about the house.
5. There is not a lot of money in this oil business.
6. There are not a lot of supermarkets in Moscow.
7. We don't have a lot of duties in life.
8. There is not a lot of fruit on the table.
9. There are not a lot of fish in the ocean.
10. She doesn't buy a lot of clothes.
11. They don't have a lot of chances to win the match.
12. Teenagers don't spend a lot of money on discs.
13. There is not a lot of interesting news in today’s paper.
14. There are not a lot of apples this year.
15. We don't have a lot of rain this summer.
16. Mr. Rich has not got a lot of money.
17. This agent doesn't always bring a lot of important information.
18. There are not a lot of secret data in this file.
19. There are not a lot of viruses in the Internet.
20. The sun doesn't give us a lot of energy.
Вопросительная форма
1. Do our people read a lot of detective novels?
2. Does he have a lot of great ideas?
3. Do students usually buy a lot of textbooks?
4. Do Women always have a lot of things to do about the house?
5. Is there a lot of money in this oil business?
6. Are there a lot of supermarkets in Moscow?
7. Do we have a lot of duties in life?
8. Is there a lot of fruit on the table?
9. Are there a lot of fish in the ocean?
10. does she buy a lot of clothes?
11. Do they have a lot of chances to win the match?
12. Do teenagers spend a lot of money on discs?
13. Is there a lot of interesting news in today’s paper?
14. Are there a lot of apples this year?
15. Do we have a lot of rain this summer?
16. Does Mr. Rich have got a lot of money?
17. Does this agent always bring a lot of important information?
18. Are there a lot of secret data in this file?
19. Are there a lot of viruses in the Internet?
20. Does the sun give us a lot of energy?
1 have created
2 have not posted
3has looked
4 has changed
5have chated
6 have downloaded
7 has changed
8 have ordered
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