1. Potatoes was bought yesterday. 2. The books shall be brought tomorrow. 3. Milk is sold in this shop. 4. The whole text was translated an hour ago. 5. The window was broken last week. 6. The work will be done in the evening. 7. This book was written in the 19th century. 8. Our daughter is sent to rest in the south every year. 9. This film can be showed on TV. 10. A new concert-hall is built in our street. 11. A number of important experiments will be made in this laboratory. 12. Central Africa was explored in the 19th century. 13. This play will be finished at the beginning of next season. 14. The story was forgotten. 15. This letter must be sent immediately.
Если не трудно, можно поставить мой ответ, как "лучший" , я старалась))
1. исчисляемое количество:
можно и a lot of , и many
2.Чей брат, это надо запомнить просто:
the boys's
3. Кто получил много подарков (когда и почему - странный перевод как-то))):
4. children (дети)- всегда множ.число:
there were
5. на столе есть(или нет) книги:
there is the book или there is no book
6. запомнить надо:
7. обычное время:
did she have
8. Биллу БЫЛО вчера 10:
9. обычное время:
10.обычное время:
didn't invite
1. Was( ну не did, т.к. не второго глагола по крайней мере)
2. Did (вот тут есть второй глагол: go)
3. Is (конструкция to (be) going to))
4. Does (есть второй глагол: want)
5. Are ( нет второго глагола)
1. pats
2. parties
3. holidays
4. men
5. wifes
- Hi(name)
- Oh, hi(other name)
- What are you reading about?
- Nice book about ancient Greece.
- Cool! What is it about exactly?
- The Olympic games. The Olympic games are very old sport competitions that last since 776bc till now.
- Seriously? They are so ancient?
- Yeah, they are the most ancient sport games in the world.
- I've heard that the new Olympic games will take place in Sochi, Russia.
- I think you should come and watch those games. I've been on the Olympic games in London in 2012 and it's really cool thing to see.
- Yes, thank you for your advice.
It's really hard dialoge to learn, I think you should make it shorter.