The ship SAILS for America in two weeks. Columbus was a great DISCOVERER Christopher Columbus DISCOVERED America in 1492. The Earth was ROUND People often have TURKEY for Christmas dinner. You can read about GOD in a Bible [‘baibl] He has lived in Moscow SINCE 1992 The first people in “New England” had a large HARVEST of vegetables They PREPARED turkey for the dinner. One of the MOST DANGEROUS animals of India are tiger. My trip to the country DEPENDS on the weather. It was DANGEROUS to live in the Wild West. I have many GOLD coins in my collection. Boys mustn’t FIGHT with girls. The Americans fought … … … for their INDEPENDENCE from England Levi Strauss was a TAILOR The American flag is red, white and BLUE There are 13 STRIPES on the American flag. There are fifty STARS on the American flag. There are fifty STATES in the USA. There are three COLORS in the American flag
После Fought или не должно быть пропуска, или пропущено слово , которое надо вставить.
1. Even a child knows this rule. Даже ребёнок знает это правило. 2. She murmured something but nobody could hear her. Она пробормотала что-то, но никто её не слышал. 3. I never confuse. Я никогда не смущаюсь. 4. This case is very difficult. Этот случай (например случай в криминалистике, медицине) очень сложный. 5. Let's pass on to a new topic. Давайте перейдём к новой теме. 6. It was so kind of you to offer me help. (Это было) Мило с твоей стороны предложить мне 7. Last night we went to the concert and we enjoyed ourselves a very great deal. Вчера вечером мы ходили на концерт, и нам там очень сильно понравилось.