Всем привет ) ребята выполнить 2 задания ! 1)Задание .Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение местоимения и союзы both. and. Местоимение both оба Парный союз both and и и, как так и I. In
1)Russia, young people get mining education-both at special colleges and at mining departments of universities. 2. Practical work both in the field and in drawing classes is very important for the future surveyor. 3. The mining institutes design their courses to give attention both to basic engineering and mathematics. Both subjects are of great importance for the future engineer. 4. The library has both scientific books and journals. 5. A new institute will train both geologists and mining engi- neers. 6. Both methods of prospecting are in use.
2) Задание . Составьте 3 разделительных вопроса по каждому образцу.
Образец J: These are your new group-mates, aren't they?
Образец 2: You have got a lot of books on geology, haven't you?
Образец 3: She hasn't got any sisters or brothers, has she?
Образец 4: You understand me, don't you? Образец 5: You don't know this man, do you? Образец 6: She likes to play sports, doesn't she?
Образец 7: You didn't go to the party yesterday, did you? Образец 8: She told you about a change in our plan, didn't she?
Сould-модальный глагол в Past(в времени).Could используют для выражения возможности что-то сделать.
Would-модальный глагол в выражает значение вежливого побуждения(в или предложения чего-то) или в придположениях.
1)I can draw a hourse-Я могу нарисовать дом.
2)I can*t draw a hourse-Я не могу нарисовать дом.
1)I couldn*t understand him-Я не мог его понять.
2)I could understand him-Я мог его понять.
1)Would you open the door please?-Не могли бы вы открыть дверь?
2)Would you like tea or juice?-Не хотите вы чай или сок?
3)Oh that would be his son-Это наверно его сын.