There are some / no carrots in the fridge. I cant make soup. There is some coffe in the cap, but it is very hot. Is there any cheese in the fridge? There is not any juice in the glass. There are some / no grapes on the plate. They are green.
My younger brother has been borrowing my laptop without asking for my permission. (Мой младший брат берет мой ноутбук, не спрашивая у меня разрешения.)
He has broken my favourite mug but hasn't apologized. (Он разбил мою любимую кружку, но не извинился.)
He has eaten a bar of chocolate that I bought yesterday. (Он съел плитку шоколада, которую я вчера купил(а).)
He has worn my denim jacket several times. (Он несколько раз надевал/носил мою джинсовую куртку.)
I have been trying to do my homework but he has turned up the radio and has been listening to music! (Я пытаюсь делать уроки, а он включил погромче радио и слушает музыку!)
And to top it all, he hasn't been helping me with household chores. (И в довершение всего, он не мне по дому.)
My preferences in music are very diverse. I listen exclusively to the music that I like. let it be at least rock, pop, metal, the main thing that I like her.
Mostly I do not listen to Russian music. not just at all, but in my playlist, most of the music is from different countries. I like to listen to Persian, Indian, Arabic music and others. You can say in one word Eastern. I usually don’t understand what the songs that I listen to say, but if I'm very interested I watch the translation.
And one of my main preferences in music is that it be sad ... I myself don’t know why, but I like to listen to sad music, especially remembering my past. I probably just like to cry
Это с переводчика)
No, some, any, any, some.